Prospector Tents: Perfect for Hunting Season
As hunting season approaches, many hunters are gearing up with the necessary equipment for their hunting trips. One essential item for a successful and comfortable hunting trip is a canvas prospector tent.
“Prospector Tent” is essentially another word for a wall tent (the generic term), but others might call the same tent a safari tent, an outfitter tent, or a sheep herder tent. Each of these conjures up slightly different mental image, but they are all wall tents, or canvas tents with vertical side walls and a high ceiling. I think when people hear “prospector tent” they imagein something with a wooden frame on the outside, but most wall tents can accommodate a frame on the inside or outside, either from wood or metal, so difference is really just in how you imagine it.
At any rate, prospector tents provide shelter from the elements, ample space for gear and sleeping, and a cozy atmosphere for downtime between hunts. In this article, we’ll take a look at the best canvas prospector tent for hunting season (or any other season for that matter) and tell you a little more abou Elk Mountain Tents
The Best Canvas Prospector Tent for Hunting Season
When it comes to the best canvas wall tent for hunting season, the answer is the Elk Mountain Tents’ Canvas Wall Tent. Yes, there are two parts there. We recommend first the wall tent design, and second the company Elk Mountain Tents.
Wall tents are the perfect tent for hunting for several reasons. First, there is no unusable space. The high side walls means you can put your cot right up against the side wall. Bell tents, on the other hand, while just as sturdy and easier to set up, can’t accommodate as many rectangular cots. Second, almost any wall tent will come with a sturdy canvas material that can take a beating. Third, most wall tents can allow for a wood stove if you’ve got a stove jack installed. They make the perfect base camp. Lastly, many come with screened windows and extra ventilation in the ridge to avoid condensation.
But not all tent companies are the same which is why we recommend Elk Mountain Tents. I’ll keep it short: Elk Mountain Tents uses a superior canvas material with a higher break and tear strength that doesn’t not require the expensive annual rain, UV, and mold treatments that canvas does. Their unique canvas boasts the same breathability as cotton canvas but is naturally waterproof and can’t rot away due to mildew because of its synthetic fibers. Every tent comes with screened windows, a stove jack, and the necessary angle kit. Simply put, they sell better tents with more features and for a lower cost.

Q: Can a prospector tent accommodate a stove?
A: Yes, prospector tents are designed to accommodate a stove as long as you’ve got a stove jack installed.
Q: How many people can a prospector tent sleep?
A: This depends on the size you pick but typically between 4 and 12 depending on the size you choose and whether you’ll also be using a wood stove.
Q: What is the weight of a prospector tent?
A: A prospector can weigh between 50 and 150 pounds depening on the type of fabric used and the size of the tent.
When it comes to the best canvas prospector tents for hunting season, the Elk Mountain Tents Canvas Wall Tent is the best pick. It’s made from high-quality materials and can accommodate a stove for added warmth and comfort during those chilly hunting nights.