Seasoning an Outdoor Canvas Tent: Why it’s Important and How to Do It
Elk Mountain Tents is has been providing high-quality outdoor gear for over a decade. One of their most popular products is the canvas tent, which is perfect for camping and other outdoor activities. However, many people wonder how to season an outdoor canvas tent and what happens if they don’t. In this article, we will explore these topics in detail.
This is a bit of a weird article for the Elk Mountain Tents website because, well, you don’t need to season a tent from Elk Mountain Tents! Yes, that’s right – the unique canvas used by Elk Mountain Tents requires no weathering, no sun treatment, no rain treatment, and no mold treatment. You can optionally apply a fire treatment but many choose to just use a heat shield for there stove. These tents are good to go out of the box so to speak.
That all said, some people insist on traditional cotton canvas, so this article is for them.
Why Seasoning an Outdoor Canvas Tent is Important
Seasoninga an outdoor canvas tent involves setting it up and then wetting it down with a hose or by allowing it to get rained on. This process allows the fibers of the canvas to swell and become tighter, which creates a more waterproof and durable material. Seasoning also helps to remove any lingering odors or chemicals that may be present in the canvas.
If you skip the seasoning process, you run the risk of damaging your tent. An unseasoned canvas tent may leak during rainstorms or lose its shape over time. Additionally, an unseasoned canvas tent may have a strong chemical smell, which could make it unpleasant to spend time in.
How to Season an Outdoor Canvas Tent
Now that you understand why seasoning an outdoor canvas tent is important, let’s explore how to do it. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Step 1: Set up your tent
The first step is to set up your canvas tent in a location where it can get wet. Make sure that you stake it down securely so that it doesn’t blow away or collapse during the seasoning process.
Step 2: Wet the tent down
Once your tent is set up, use a hose or wait for a rainy day to wet it down. You want the canvas to become thoroughly soaked so that it can absorb as much water as possible.
Step 3: Allow the tent to dry
After the canvas is completely wet, let it dry in the sun. As it dries, the fibers of the canvas will tighten and become more waterproof. Make sure to leave the tent set up until it is completely dry.
Step 4: Repeat the process
To ensure that your canvas tent is fully seasoned, you should repeat this process several times. Elk Mountain Tents recommends seasoning your canvas tent at least three times before using it for the first time.
Choosing the Right Canvas Tent
When it comes to canvas tents, there are many factors to consider. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the right canvas tent for your needs:
Size: Consider the size of your camping group and how much space you will need in your tent. Elk Mountain Tents offers canvas tents in a range of sizes to accommodate groups of all sizes, the smallest being a 13 ft diameter bell tent all the way up to a 13×20 wall tent with awning.
Weight: Every canvas tent will be heavy and impossible for backpacking, so weight generally refers to the oz per yard and is indirect indicator of strength. Many companies will list the exact break and tear strength numbers but in the absence of those numbers you can go with weight. 8 oz is too weak, 10 oz is an acceptable minimum, 12 oz is considered the standard, and 14 or 16 oz is considered maximum strength. The canvas used in all Elk Mountain Tent models is 11 oz by weight but boasts a break and tear strength comparable to 14 oz cotton canvas.
Weather Resistance: Consider the climate and weather conditions you will be camping in. Elk Mountain Tents offers canvas tents that are designed to withstand all types of weather, including rain, snow, and wind.
Durability: Look for a canvas tent that is made from high-quality materials and is built to last. As a general rule, the more synthetic fibers the greater the strength and less likely you are to experience rot.

Frequently Asked Questions about Seasoning Outdoor Canvas Tents
Q: Can you use a canvas tent right out of the box?
A: You can use a canvas tent right out of the box, but it is recommended that you season it first. This will make the canvas more waterproof and durable. If your tent is polyester canvas there is no need to weather it.
Q: How long does it take to season a canvas tent?
A: It typically takes several hours to fully season a canvas tent. You will need to wet the canvas down thoroughly and then let it dry completely.
Q: How often should you season a canvas tent?
A: It’s best to season your canvas tent at least three times before using it for the first time. After that, you should season it at least once a year, or more often if you use it frequently.
Q: Can you season a canvas tent in the winter?
A: It is possible to season a canvas tent in the winter, but it may take longer to dry because of the colder temperatures. If you do choose to season your tent in the winter, make sure that it has ample time to dry before storing it.
In conclusion, seasoning an outdoor canvas tent is an important step in ensuring its durability and longevity. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can properly season your canvas tent and avoid any potential problems that may arise from skipping this crucial step. If you have any think seasoning your tent is a terribly boring and time consuming task, it is! Buy a tent from Elk Mountain Tents that doesn’t require any seasoning OR additional treatments 🙂