The Best Tent for Winter Camping

Going camping in the winter is quite an adventure, anyone who has tried it will attest to that. Not only do you have to combat the bitter cold, but you’ll likely have to endure frigid and heavy snow, both of which can mean the death of a good camping trip. But you aren’t going to be deterred by that. No. You are ready to brave the winter like a rugged mountain man or 19th century trapper. But, to do that, you are going to need yourself a tent that can put up with as much as you can. That’s why we propose that the best tent for winter camping would have to be an Elk Mountain Tent.

The tents we sell here at Elk Mountain are some of the best and most affordable winter tents on the market. Elk Mountain Tents are canvas tents. They are user friendly, comfortable, and great for just about any sort of outdoor adventure. Not to mention they can be used at other points in the year as well so when you buy one you are not just buying a one season tent, you are buying an all-year, four season tent—some of the best four season tents in our opinion.

However, let’s look at the other reasons why Elk Mountain Tents are the best for winter (summer, spring, and fall) camping. The following are several of the vital functions of a tent and how the Elk Mountain Tent stacks up to those functions.

The vital functions of a tent:

Temperature regulation

Being able to regulate temperature is a vital function of a tent. If you can’t rely on your tent to keep you warm during winter camping, then it is simply an expensive canopy. Luckily, Elk Mountain Tents are great at regulating temperature since they are winter tents with stoves. The thick canvas walls help to keep the natural heat in and the cold out; however, the most valuable tool that an Elk Mountain Tent offers its occupants is its ability to house a wood burning stove. Thanks to the stove jack holes that are cut out of the top of the canopy, you can vent smoke up and out of your tent while still being able to heat it up to a comfortable temperature.

Protection from the sun

Even when winter camping, one must always be wary of the powerful rays of the sun. It is, in some ways, more harmful during the winter than in the summer. Even though it isn’t as hot during the winter, since the snow reflects a lot of that light back up at you, you can get sunburned almost twice as fast as on a non-snowy day. So, a good way to combat this is to have a shelter that will cover you from the sun and block the sun from roasting you from below as well. An Elk Mountain Tent is one of the best winter tents for this since it offers you convenient protection on all sides.

Protection from rain and snowfall

One of the worst things for any outdoor adventure, especially when winter camping, is precipitation. Whether it is in the form of rain, hail, or snow, it is going to be a real problem for those trying to enjoy themselves, and possibly a health hazard. If you are out in the woods and it starts dumping on you, you are going to need a tent that can not only keep you dry, but withstand the load that snow puts on it and the beating that comes with hail. Luckily, Elk Mountain Tents have you covered. Not only will their sturdy frames hold the weight of all that snow, but their canvas roofs and walls will be able to handle even the worst of hail storms.

Protection from wind

There is nothing worse than being beaten by the wind as you go about your outdoor adventure this winter. Whether you are in danger of having your face wind chapped, being chilled to the bone, or just simply being annoyed by the wind, having a thick canvas barrier between you and the wind will save you a lot of discomfort. Other tents, particularly dome tents like you would find in a department store, are not going to hold up to the wind, allowing a lot of it to seep through the stitching, not to mention the poles will probably break or bend if there is a large wind storm.


Comfort is easily one of the most important aspects of spending a night outdoors (second only to safety), and it is nearly impossible to be comfortable if you don’t have a tent that you can stand up in. Granted, if you are only planning on getting in your tent when you are going to bed, then a smaller dome tent will probably suffice. However, if you want a tent where in you can relax at any point in the day, then you really need to look into an Elk Mountain Tent. Like with most wall tents, Elk Mountain Tents are built with high straight walls so you can stand up straight and sit on a normal chair inside it. However, there is more to comfort than simply having adequate head room. Warmth, like we mentioned before, plays a big roll too.


Lastly, there is longevity. A tent needs to be resilient so it can be used for years to come. Much like you wouldn’t want to buy a new couch every year, you don’t want to have to buy a new tent every year either. Luckily, if you buy an Elk Mountain Tent, then you can rest assured that your tent will be able to hold up over the years—whether it is used a lot or not.

As you can see, everything you may ever need from your tent can be fulfilled with an Elk Mountain Tent. If you want to learn more about these amazing tents, or to order one for yourself, be sure to check out the rest of our website or give us a call today!